

在美国获得的收入是要纳税的. 获得工作的学生, 无论是在校内还是校外, must first inform the DSO to obtain work authorization and request a letter to apply for a 社会保险号.


F-1学生可以在校园里工作, 在获得民政事务处的许可下, for a maximum of 20 hours per week while school is in session, and may work full time while school is not in session during vacation periods. Students may not continue to work on campus after the program completion date.


F-1 students may not work off campus until they have completed one full academic year of study in the USA. 如果你对实习感兴趣, 校外实习或其他类型的工作, 你必须向民政事务处申请许可. 约个时间讨论一下选择, obtain permission and ensure that the proper procedure is followed.


There are two types of practical training: 课程实践训练(CPT) and 选择性实习训练(OPT).

A. 课程实践训练(CPT)

CPT is temporary authorization for practical training directly related to your major program of study. CPT may be part time (20 hours per week) or full time (40 hours per week). If you work twelve months of full time CPT, you will not be eligible to apply for OPT. CPT必须由DSO授权. Failure to obtain DSO permission prior to engaging in CPT is a status violation and will result in termination of your student status for "unauthorized employment".

  • 1. 实践培训包括:
  • (a)与专业相关的实习(有薪或无薪)
  • (b)与专业相关的培训项目或实习
  • (c)与专业相关的工作
  • .
  • 2. CPT考试资格:
  • (a)在开始CPT之前完成一个完整学年
  • (b) CPT must be required or an integral part of your academic program. 你必须注册实习学分, 独立学习, 特殊问题/主题, 或者你的学术顾问批准的其他课程.
  • (c) Obtain a written job offer from an employer for work that is directly related to your major field of study, 其中提供了培训活动的描述, 培训地点, 以及开始和结束的日期.
  • (d)完成 internship package and obtain approval from your academic advisor, 教务长, 注册主任, 营业厅, 和你的DSO.
  • (e) Obtain an updated I-20 from your DSO, which has the CPT authorization noted on page two.
  • (f) 就业 may not begin until you receive the updated I-20.

B. 选择性实习训练(OPT)

OPT permits F-1 students to obtain work experience directly related to their program of study. OPT may be either pre-degree completion or post-degree completion. Pre-completion OPT is limited to 20 hours per week while school is in session. 完成后的OPT可以是全职的也可以是兼职的.

  • 1. OPT的期限为12个月
  • STEM Extension OPT is available for up to an additional 24 months. STEM majors include: Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics.
  • 2. OPT申请资格:
  • (a)在开始OPT之前完成一个完整学年
  • (b) OPT must be directly related to your major field of study
  • (c) Obtain an updated I-20 from your DSO, which has the request for OPT noted on page two.
  • (d)完成 I-765,就业许可申请表,缴付410元的申请费用.00,并提交证明文件.
  • (e) A job offer is not required prior to applying for OPT; however, you may not accrue more than 90 days of unemployment after the 就业 Authorization Document (EAD) has been issued, nor more than an aggregate total of 120 total days of unemployment with a STEM extension.
  • (f)在你收到工作许可证之前,你不能开始工作.

An F-1 student (other than a Mexican or Canadian border-commuter student) who experiences severe, economic hardship caused by unforeseen circumstances beyond the student's control, 可以申请校外工作许可吗. 就业 is limited to a maximum of 20 hours per week while school is in session, and may be full time while school is not in session during vacation periods.

  • 1. 经济困难包括:
  • (a)大量和意外开支.
  • (b)医疗费
  • (d) Unexpected changes in the financial condition of the student's source of support
  • (d)学费和/或生活费用的过度增加;
  • (e) Substantial fluctuations in the value of currency or exchange rate
  • (f) Loss of financial aid or on-campus employment without fault on the part of the student.
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  • 2. Eligibility for Economic Hardship 就业 Authorization:
  • (a)以F-1身份完成一学年
  • (b) Be in good academic standing and enrolled in a full course of study
  • (c) 就业 will not interfere with a full course of study
  • (d) 就业 is necessary to avoid severe economic hardship
  • (e) On campus employment must be unavailable or insufficient to meet the needs resulting from unforeseen circumstances.
  • (f)从您的DSO处获得更新的I-20, which has the request for Economic Hardship 就业 Authorization noted on page two.
  • (g)完成 I-765,就业许可申请表,缴付410元的申请费用.00,并提交证明文件.
  • .
  • 3. Guidelines for Economic Hardship 就业 Authorization:
  • (a) Duration - 12 months at a time (renewable), or until program end date.
  • (b) Authorization terminates if a student transfers to another school.
  • (c) 就业 can be in any job; does not have to be related to major field of study
  • (d) A job offer is not required prior to application for employment authorization
  • (e)在你收到工作许可证之前,你不能开始工作.

F-1 students may work in an internship with an international organization defined under the International Organization Immunities Act [22 usc 288]. SEVP international organization internship employment FAQs

  • 1. Eligibility for an Internship with an International Organization
  • (a) Student is eligible as soon he or she is in F-1 status; no waiting period.
  • (b) Available only while student is in F-1 status, before the program completion date.
  • (c)必须在合格的组织工作; C.2.1国际组织名单
  • (d)以一年为增量发放.
  • (e) Limited to 20 hours per week during school sessions; may be full-time during breaks.
  • (f)不必与所学课程有关.
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  • 2. Guidelines for an Internship with an International Organization
  • (a) Must have a written offer of employment from qualified international organization.
  • (b)从您的DSO处获得更新的I-20, which has the request for 就业 Authorization with an International Organization noted on page two.
  • (c)完成 I-765,就业许可申请表,缴付410元的申请费用.00,并提交证明文件.
  • (d)必须在就业开始前领取工作证.
  • (e) Must remain enrolled in a full course of study during the period of employment.